Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. Or is it Mum?
It’s downright un-American not to love your mother.? Mom, apple pie and Chevrolet, for you old enough to remember the motto.? Even rough-tough professional football players mug for the TV camera, mouthing, “Hi,Mom!”? (Why never, “Hi, Pop?”? Unfair.)? So we … Continue reading →...
May Day or Beltane
In the ancient Celtic world there were four fire festivals: Samhain (the Celtic new year on October 31-November 1 that gave birth to Halloween) , Imbolc (the beginning of Celtic spring on January 31-February 2 that has an interesting correlation … Continue reading →...
Irish Whiskey and Just a Wee Dram of Scotch Whisky
Some more observant readers will notice “Irish whiskey” and “Scotch whisky.”? This was no typo.? Irish and Americans distill whiskey, but the Scots distill whisky.? Since both words come from the English translation of the Gaelic translation (uisce beatha in … Continue reading →...
Accuracy in Guns or Gunning for Accuracy
While it may not currently be politically correct to talk about guns, my characters carry them.? Morg is a P.I. in Christmas Cracker and Vince is a Chicago PD detective in the soon-to-be-released Foul Shot.? Neither of them run around … Continue reading →...
St. Patrick’s Day, Green Beer and Blue Mead
St. Patrick’s Day, originally a feast day of the Catholic church, has become a major American drunken? celebration.? Before I get into the down and dirty, let me assure you that St. Patrick never drank green?beer.? In fact, drinkers in … Continue reading →...
The Decline and Fall of the English Language
“Would you like any more coffee?” you ask. “I’m good,” is the response. And no one blinks an eye.? Adjectives and adverbs are becoming interchangeable.? Or maybe indistinguishable. “You promised to be here by noon and it’s now after two.” … Continue reading →...
Oscars Wild in 2013
Well, there there were a few risque gowns, but from what I’ve seen online, there were also some stunning ones.? Probably that had to do with women like Halle Berry wearing them.? I mean, women like Halle could wear sackcloth … Continue reading →...
Anti-Academy Awards Party
I am not anti-movies.? I love many of the old ones.? Bogart is my favorite actor.? I even love some movies made after 1968, like Bladerunner, Lion in Winter and The Man Who Would Be King.? Movies like Silverado, Enchanted … Continue reading →...
Massacred St. Valentine’s Day
Okay, I’m a romantic. Casablanca is one of my favorite movies.? I’ve even watched a few “chick flicks” and liked one or two.? Don’t get me wrong, Lifetime and Hallmark are channels I religiously avoid.? Yet, I have trouble understanding … Continue reading →...
Mardi Gras, Pancakes and Lent
Everyone knows about Mardi Gras, right?? Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, is a big party that consumes the city of New Orleans as well as many other metropoles across the nation and around the world.? Rio’s Carnaval makes New Orleans’ … Continue reading →...