Foul Shot Reader’s Group Questions


1. Gina/Regan is an atheist with a troubled family background.? What effect do these factors have on how she views the world, lives her life and handles her relationships?

2. Vince is a devout Roman Catholic with a close family.? What effect do these factors have on how he views the world, lives his life and handles his relationships?

3. How do their differing world views effect how they relate to each other.

4. What do you like most about Regan?? What do you like least?

5. What do you like most about Vince?? What do you like least?

6. Regan/Gina killed Frank Calmonico, the man who murdered her mother and two cops.? Was this justified?? Why or why not?

7. Do you agree with this: Vince was a failure as a cop and a failure as a priest.? In his moral life, he has sex on the first date, becomes an alcoholic, and murders Bobbie Roman.? He?s a loser.? His life with Regan is doomed to failure as well.? Why or why not?

8. Do you think Vince had a valid reason for quitting the Chicago Police Department?? Do you think he had a valid reason for quitting the priesthood?

9. Do you like Regan or Vince better?? Why?

10. If you were to write a sequel to Foul Shot, what would happen?

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